Site Notice:

We will be closed Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans' Day. We apologize for any inconvenience. For a list of our holidays please click here.

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Security & Privacy

Learn how to keep yourself safe both in the online world and the real world.

Security Tips

Passwords & Security Questions

  • Don’t use information that can be easily linked to you. (i.e. birthdate, Social Security Number, phone number, name of your pets, or hobbies)
  • Don’t use the same password for social media as you do for online banking or any other confidential website.
  • Do not store your login information on your computer or phone, store them in a secure location.
  • Do not use the same identifying information for multiple websites.
  • Never share your passwords with others, even family members.
  • When using a device that is not yours do not save your password to that device and be sure to log out.
  • Change your passwords regularly and be sure your passwords are complex and would be difficult for others to guess.

Other Security Tips

  • Making sure you choose an adequate username and password that, at a minimum, mixes in lower case letters, upper case letters and numbers
  • Having current anti-malware and anti-virus software installed on your devices
  • Making sure you have a firewall in place when conducting your financial transactions
  • Logging off the system when you’re done conducting business (don’t just close the page or “X” out of the system)
  • Monitoring your account activity on a regular basis
  • Use a credit card for online transactions and check your statements
  • Only make secure transactions from reputable vendors
  • Be cautious of emails requesting personal information
  • Dispose of information properly and securely


Identity Theft

  • Don’t share your personal information (birthdate, Social Security Number, or bank account information) unless you are 100% certain who you are speaking to and aware of the necessity of the information.
  • Keep your Social Security card in a safe place, not in your wallet.
  • Collect your mail every day. If you will not be home for a span of time place a hold on your mail.
  • Review your credit reports once a year to be sure there are no other accounts than those you have opened.
  • Shred receipts, credit card offers, account statements, and expired credit/debit cards.


Signs of Elderly Fraud/Abuse

  • A caregiver or family member is not allowing you to see your bank statements
  • A caregiver or relative does not allow you to speak on your own behalf during transactions with the bank
  • You have sudden non-sufficient fund activity and/or unpaid bills while under care of a relative or caregiver
  • While under the care of a caregiver or relative personal financial records, such as statements or checks, go missing
  • A caregiver or family member insists you close accounts without valid reasoning or explanation

If you or anyone you know is experiencing any of the above situations, please call the Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-368-1066.

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